Wessex Medical is a key supplier of Emergency Medical Products to the Global Market
We have been selling defibrillators for over thirty-five years in and out of corporate life and supply most of the available ranges. If we don’t supply it there is usually a good reason.
This year Wessex Medical is celebrating fourteen years of serving the medical profession and the wider public. We also supply much of the requirements the emergency responder might need as well as basic first aid supplies. Wessex Medical has customers on every continent, not always in very high numbers, but they are there and they return time and again. What makes us different is our willingness to share information and more importantly, we are happy to search and locate products that you may not find on our website right away
Our warehouse in Salisbury is open for personal visits and coffee and we stock enough general items to be able to fulfil most orders overnight we are happy to help you with anything from a bandage to a monitor and when you run short of stock on a Saturday night, we will be there for you. We also offer to service your defibrillators and associated equipment.
We’d be happy to hear from you on 01722 410084 or 07946526304
Our office hours are 10 am to 3 pm in the warehouse. Outside of these hours, we try to be available however if we are driving we won’t be answering the mobile phone and we could also be in a meeting so please email us with your needs for a speedy response. We do offer a receptionist on the main line who will take your details if we are unavailable. Email is by far the best way to get a swift answer (sales@wessexmedical.uk)
If you prefer to contact us via the online chatbox,
please ensure you leave us your email address otherwise we will be unable to answer you and if you phone use the answerphone.

Registered in the UK: Company No: 07281464

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