Medical Thermometers

Buy a medical thermometer from Wessex Medical.

Several different types are available.

In the event of very high temperatures or prolonged high temperature you should seek medical advice

Body temperature can be measured in various locations on the body which maintain a fairly stable temperature (mainly sub-lingual, axillary, rectal, vaginal, forehead, or temporal artery).

The normal temperature varies slightly with the location; an oral reading of 37 °C does not correspond to rectal, temporal, etc. readings of the same value. When a temperature is quoted the location should also be specified. If a temperature is stated without qualification (e.g., typical body temperature) it is usually assumed to be sub-lingual. Measurements are subject to both site-dependent clinical bias and variability between a series of measurements (standard deviations of the differences).

Prices of thermometers and covers have risen since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, this is not our fault but reflects the rise in costs from various suppliers. Where possible we have tried to keep the prices down to a reasonable level. Most items are still obtainable but at a high price and we have refused to be dragged into that price situation however if you want to be, we can help with directions.