What is #ibacksmallbusiness?
#ibacksmallbusiness is the FSB’s campaign to ensure candidates hoping to stand in the General Election 2015, know about the challenges facing small businesses. Whether they’re the Leader of one of the main political parties or an independent candidate, we at the FSB want them all to be using #ibacksmallbusiness during their election campaigns and crucially, change business regulations in the next Parliament if they win a seat as an MP.

How does the campaign work?
The #ibacksmallbusiness campaign is designed to be shared across social media platforms; on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn. The website www.ibacksmallbusiness.com has all the information for FSB members and Prospective Parliamentary Candidates, about the policies the FSB wants the next Government to implement. Each FSB region has it’s own page with statistics and infographics about the issues affecting small businesses in that area. All the content, including a video featuring FSB members, can be easily shared across social media.
How can I get involved?
Anyone who has a social media profile can get involved by using the #ibacksmallbusiness hashtag with their friends, followers, connections and circles. Simply by sharing the infographics, statistics, video or tweets, more people will come across the campaign and pass it on through their social media contacts. If you know someone hoping to become your next MP, then make sure they know about #ibacksmallbusiness.