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Red Sea Issues

We have just been hit with another 5% increase by one of our suppliers as a direct result of the issues in the Red Sea area, this hits our profits as we try to absorb all these price rises and no pass them on to our customers. Along with this rise and the inevitable 2-week delay as shipping from the Far East takes the long route around please have patience with us as we struggle to deliver your orders within the same time frame as we usually do.

In addition, there are still some issues in China following COVID-19 (believe it or not) and no surprise BREXIT is slowing down imports and exports to Europe.

We continue to work hard to get the items to you as fast as we can but sometimes delays are outside of our control.

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“We Feel We Need To Let You Know About This”

Wessex Medical

“We Feel We Need To Let You Know About This”

According to announcements to us and online, Unite Union and DHL Aviation will strike from February 9th (from midnight tonight) until Monday 19th February.

DHL workers at East Midlands Airport plan strike

DHL may experience some delays with regards to International Shipments (that’s where the Aviation Team sits).

If you have anything urgent to send, please call or email us as soon as possible.

For anything else, we anticipate one or two days delay.

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Philips FR2 Battery

The FR2 battery is currently out of stock worldwide, our recommendation to you is that you place an order and claim your place on a back order list otherwise you will continually be at the back of the queue. We regret this situation which is due to a shortage of components and beyond our control.

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Courier Issues

Most if not all courier services are experiencing delays at present over which we and our colleagues have no control.

In most cases our parcels within the UK are delivered next day however we do see some parcels held up for an extra 24 hours. There is nothing we can do control this and most of our competitors have reacted to this by rightly cancelling their timed deliveries.

We no longer use Evri for deliveries as they can often takes months to deliver if they don’t actually lose the parcel entirely. It may however persuade you not to entrust your parcels to us with them as we can’t be held responsible for the loss, and neither it seems is Evri !

If you are sending a parcel into us and you would find it easier we can arrange collection at cost and your risk if that makes it easier for you.

Hopefully the situation will get better as the holidays fade away although it doesn’t seem to be entirely the fault of Father Christmas.

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Credit Card Security Issues

The Credit Card providers have introduced stronger security measures to protect their customers, this is beyond our control and you may find that occasionally you experience that your card is declined. Should this happen to you make sure your address matches the address the card issuer holds and if it persists do please get in touch with us directly and we will do our utmost to help.

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Rise in Freight Charges

Wessex Medical

All our main suppliers have announced a rise in shipping charges. In most cases this has added 10% to our shipping costs, in one case they have added 25%.

The reason for this is blamed on many factors from a shortage of lorry drivers to Brexit to Custom delays and shipping container shortages on the high seas.

We have managed to absorb most of this increase and hopefully we will continue to do so however it is inevitable that costs are on the increase and this is just to give you a heads up and so that you are clear as to what lies behind the rise.

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Delays across all supply chains

We are still experiencing delays with some product lines. There seems to be no clear sign as to which products are at risk and this extends well beyond the medical world. There are several possible reasons for this.

  1. China has serious staff shortages at two major ports causing a backlog in containers. This is due to staff isolating with Covid.
  2. There are shortages in components affecting the manufacturing of some items. This is affecting some AEDs now and even some pads are out of stock.
  3. Staff shortages in the UK due to the NHS app pinging staff.
  4. Couriers are overwhelmed by the increase in business since lockdown last year.
  5. Customs delays with new rules following Brexit both here and at the point of departure.

We will try to keep you informed on an individual basis and we apologise on behalf of our suppliers.

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Shipping to and from Europe

Wessex Medical

Maybe it shouldn’t come as a surprise however we are now halfway through January and shipments via courier both in and out of Europe are showing a delay as the courier systems get used to the extra paperwork involved.

Some of our supply chains emanate from Europe and of course, this is beyond our control and so far appears to only add 24/48 hrs to the delivery schedules.

Please bear with us until this settles down.

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DHL Services in Europe

Good Afternoon

We have received a notification from DHL, that their European road services to Europe are suspended with immediate effect. This is due to a large backlog of vehicles held in France. They are working closely with partners and currently expect services to be available from Thursday 7 January. Their International air service remains available.

Please do not hesitate to contact your local InXpress office if you have any queries.

Best wishes


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Buying Guide for a used Lifepak or Zoll Monitor / Defibrillator

Wessex Medical

You have probably seen a Lifepak 12 or Zoll M series advertised on online auction sites and thought it might be nice to have one, and it’s so cheap, well let’s take you through the pitfalls that you might come across.

Firstly we are not trying to put you off the purchase, if you have decided you need the facilities that either of these defibrillator/monitors can offer you then you’ve made a good choice but let’s face it, these units are like Rolls Royce Cars. They are the best around in their day but they are now used units and can be very expensive to repair if they go wrong. Don’t forget you will also need to have them serviced every year to comply with the demands of CQC for example. All this can be costly if you’ve not budgeted for it.

Let’s start by looking at the features available:

AED: a great option to have, nearly all the used units available now in the UK come with fittings for using disposable Defib pads and having the option of AED asw ell just adds to the number of potential users who can easily and quickly be taught to use the machine. So if possible buy one with the AED option.

Pacing: some were sold to the ambulance services at the time but rarely used, its probable you will hardly ever get the chance to use pacing but on the other hand it doesn’t add anything to the value of the machine so if you’ve got it great, don’t let it be a deal-breaker if it’s not on the one you’ve seen.

12 Lead ECG: Probably the real reason you have a Lifepak 12 or Zoll in your sights. Make sure the Lifepak 12 also has the 100mm printer it came with and it hasn’t been swapped for the 50mm option or you’ll be looking at a bill of several hundred pounds to upgrade. Do you have the right cables to go with the 12-lead option?

Biphasic Waveform: The Biphasic waveform was introduced by the industry back in the 1990’s and is much more effective than monophasic. That doesn’t mean monophasic doesn’t work any longer but the value of your future purchase has just dropped by a considerable margin so be aware. Do you know how to tell the difference between the two versions and can you be sure of what you are led to believe?

Which one have you got?

Pulse Oximetry: is a popular option, remember you can purchase a small fingertip pulse oximeter for around £50 but its nicer to have it integrated into your new monitor and most Zoll and Lifepaks come with as an option. Make sure you have the sensor as these can be £150 to replace.

Non-Invasive Blood Pressure: Probably something you will use quite a bit. It will add value and cost to the monitor you are buying and although very popular on new LP12’s I’m not sure it was as popular on the Zoll. That means you may not always find it available. Does it matter, well it’s nice to have a printed record of the patients BP but you can buy a digital BP monitor now for as low as £15 !! Your call.

Carry Case: Sometimes they are included and if in good condition well worth having but many are a bit battered; after all, they are there to protect the machine. It is nigh on impossible to find new cases these days.

Cables, Sensors and Batteries: are these included in the deal, quite often they are not. To re-equip a Lifepak 12 with these items could easily cost you £1000 if you have to buy new ones.

Don’t forget to budget for an additional battery charger with the Lifepak 12, you’ll need one unless you have a support system already.

Age: A popular question is one regarding the age of the used unit, this is irrelevant since it may be 10 years old and have been barely used in a rural station, it could be five years old and been used in the city centre. Even if it has been used in the city centre many parts may have been replaced during its life. We are never provided with operational history. Be guided by the general condition but its easy to change the outer case if you know-how.

Used machines will always have a potentially shorter life than new equipment but with the price of a new Defib/monitor now approaching £17000 I guess for many of you there is little option.

You can cross your fingers and buy from an auction site where after-sales support is likely to be non-existent or you can buy from Wessex Medical.

I worked for Physio-Control for nearly 20 years and my engineer for around 15 years. We have been heavily involved in the LP12 since before it was launched.

We believe the units we sell are amongst the best on the market, they are not the cheapest but you have the knowledge we look after our customers and more importantly, we can support you before and after your purchase.

We carry a range of accessories and can service your Lifepak or Zoll at a reasonable charge.

Why not call us with your requirements on 01722 410084

Alan Caulfield

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Our OnLine Chat

We have installed an online chat service now as you will notice in the bottom of the web page

It’s proving very popular and we try to answer immediately whenever you connect, however many people ask a question but forget to leave a contact email address. Without a way to get back to we can’t do anything to help so please don’t forget to leave an address.

The same applies to the phone, if we are busy or already on the phone you will be diverted to the mobile phone and its voicemail. Don’t be put off. If you don’t leave a message we can’t return the call, however if you leave a message we will return the call asap.

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Need a defibrillator servicing ?

Wessex Medical is able to arrange for servicing and repair of much of your onboard equipment including oxygen, while we specialise in the service and repair of the LIFEPAK 12 and Zoll range of monitor/defibrillators and all AED’s but we are by no means restricted to these models.

We aim to offer a value-led service and respect the fact that owners of these older machines still have a need to maintain them at the highest standard.

We do not claim to be the cheapest servicing around however we do offer a properly qualified engineer, very well experienced in the field, this is not always the case as in so many walks of life you get what you pay for.

Please do bear in mind that upgrades are often not cost-effective to carry out and we will advise you of that. When new these machines were often not designed to be upgraded once sold but as they get older the value of the machine means it is often very much cheaper to simply replace it with one of the desired specifications.

We also can offer a field-based service if the work allows it to be cost-effective for you otherwise you just need to return the items to our warehouse in Wiltshire for an estimate of the costs involved.

It usually takes around 2/3 days for Medical Equipment Servicing, obviously, a repair can take longer if we have to wait for parts to arrive, however, if you are in a hurry we will do what we can to speed things along, but we need to be able to plan ahead.

If you would like us to quote for a repair you can just send the unit to us at our address but please do make sure you always enclose your return details and a description of the faults. It may be that we ask to see the unit before we can give a definitive price for a repair. Try to use a courier service, it’s cheaper than the post office.

You can also call us on 01722 410084 for a chat about your requirements.

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Are AED’s Safe

AED In Use

The following comment regarding the safety of AED defibrillators comes from the Resuscitation Council. A UK body of medical professional tasked along with international colleagues of investigating and improving resuscitation protocols.

“Modern AEDs are very reliable and will not allow a shock to be given unless it is needed. They are extremely unlikely to do any harm to a person who has collapsed in suspected SCA. They are safe to use and present minimal risk to the rescuer. These features make them suitable for use by members of the public with modest (or even no training), and for use in Public Access Defibrillation schemes.”

If anybody still has any doubts call in for a chat, I started selling AED’s in 1987, when medical professionals were just being introduced to the concept of a machine doing the work for them.

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HR-501 AED

What is an automated external defibrillator (AED)?

Unlike the models of defibrillators intended for use by healthcare professionals (and the ones seen most often on TV), automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are designed to allow minimally trained laypersons to respond to cardiac emergencies, particularly sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).  AEDs are about the size of a portable laptop computer and provide a brief, but powerful, electrical stimulation to the chest, interrupting the abnormal rhythm and helping to restore the heart’s natural rhythm.   The devices are pre-programmed with the expertise needed to analyze the heart’s electrical function.  They also use voice prompts and screen displays to instruct the user on how to operate the device.

Who can use an AED?

Police, firefighters, security officers, athletic trainers, flight attendants and lifeguards in the U.S. and around the world are currently using AEDs.  The devices are designed to be used by anyone even those who have not had any prior training.  It is considered more effective to try than to do nothing.

How safe are AEDs?

AEDs are very accurate and will not deliver therapy to someone who is not in cardiac arrest.  When used properly and with appropriate precautions, AEDs are very simple to operate and pose no risk to either the rescuer or the patient.

Is sudden cardiac arrest the same as a heart attack?

No.  A heart attack occurs when a blood vessel feeding the heart itself is blocked by plaque or a blood clot.  The longer the blood flow is interrupted, the more extensive the damage done. The majority of heart attack victims survive the first attack. Treatment for heart attack includes angioplasty — using a tiny balloon to widen blocked blood vessels — and “clot-busting” drugs known as thrombolytics.

Sudden cardiac arrest involves problems with the heart’s electrical system, which can cause it to stop beating entirely. When that happens, blood flow to the rest of the body is interrupted and the victim passes out. Defibrillation is the only known treatment for this condition, and AEDs are the quickest and most efficient way to reach individuals with this life-saving therapy.

Haven’t AEDs been in the news recently?

Yes. Two studies reported in the October 2000 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine show that persons with minimal training can successfully use simple, portable defibrillation devices in public places to save lives that might otherwise be lost.   Also, the Cardiac Arrest Survival Act, the nation’s first legislation recognizing the life-saving role played by AEDs, now requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to develop recommendations and guidelines for AED placement and use in federal buildings nationwide and in post offices and other buildings housing federal agencies. (US Only)

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What is a Heart Attack ?

Wessex Medical

The term “Heart Attack” isn’t used in medicine. It has no specific meaning
We are here to treat a cardiac arrest. That is when the heart stops circulating blood around the body
The cause may be one of four different heart arrhythmia’s
Pulseless Electrical Activity
Ventricular Tachycardia
Ventricular Fibrillation
We are only interested in the last two only when using a defibrillator
Defibrillation is the delivery of an electrical shock to the heart
It “stuns” the heart and hopefully allows it to restart in the correct sequence
Defibrillation is the only treatment for VF/VT
It must be delivered within a few minutes

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So…….Why Do I Need To Buy a Defibrillator

Radian HR-501 AED

Why do I need to buy an AED


it may be your life the AED saves…………………

Radian HR-501 AED
An AED or automatic external defibrillator is a medical device designed and recommended the use by almost anyone. Its function is to deliver a powerful electric shock to the heart of somebody who has collapsed. It is the only treatment for somebody in this condition and speed is of the essence. No doubt you’ve seen a similar defibrillator being used many times on television programmes.
To date, the British government have purchased and installed around 10000 AED’s across the country with the aim of getting a defibrillator to a victim within 3 minutes. Around 300,000 people a year die from sudden cardiac death, often with no previous history and no warning. You will find them already installed in airports, railway stations, police cars, homes, shops and pubs factories and offices.
The biggest concern anybody has when they consider whether to purchase an AED is whether they can do any harm. The simple answer is no. AED’s are designed to be instinctively easy-to-use and will only operate if the patient is in one of two potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias. Every other medical condition from a simple faint to something more serious will not allow the device to deliver a shock.
So, every minute that is wasted in delivering a shock to a patient in cardiac arrest their chances of survival deteriorate by at least 10% so if you think you can get to the patient before an ambulance does, you’ve answered the question of whether you need to buy an AED.
The AED shown here is incredibly instinctively easy-to-use. It has a long life no maintenance battery and checks itself daily. The AED will guide you through what to do using voice and visual commands. All you need to do when you find the patient in a collapsed state is attach two self-adhesive electrodes to their chest, switch the machine on and listen.
Using a defibrillator does not mean that you don’t need an ambulance, you still need medical support but you are giving the patient the greatest possible chance of survival and the paramedic the greatest chance of delivering that patient to the hospital alive.
AED’s have dropped dramatically in price over the last twenty years and the leading defibs are now available at a little over GBP800. A small price to pay for peace of mind and an even smaller price to pay for saving someone’s life.
Courses are available to teach you CPR and AED use should you require this. There is an additional cost for this in most cases but it is an extensive course for your staff.

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UK Company Launches Prototype for Radical Ambulance Redesign

UK Company Launches Prototype for Radical Ambulance Redesign

International Ambulances was formed in October 2016 by Phillip Bevan to commercialize his revolutionary new ambulance design, the “ACESO.” The vehicle has been designed from the ground up to provide demonstrably better outcomes for patients, paramedics and hospitals.

The development of the concept prototype has been carried out for International Ambulances by Bevan Davidson International (“BDI”), a technology design and development company, led by Phillip Bevan.

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Schiller FRED PA-1 AED

Schiller Fred PA-1 AED

Schiller FRED PA-1 AED

By lifting up the device cover, the FRED PA-1 starts up immediately and guides the rescuer step-by-step during the entire resuscitation process.

The FRED AED is available either as semi-automatic or fully automatic device.In its automatic version, the AED delivers the shock without any action of the rescuer. In its semi-automatic version, the unit prompts the rescuer to deliver the shock by pressing the shock button.

Ease of use: interface with 1-2-3 steps
Pre-connected electrodes for faster application to the patient’s chest
Automatic self-tests for detection of electrode expiration and battery capacity
Trilingual: perfect for an international environment

Introductory Offer: £925 plus vat

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Top ten worst late payment excuses revealed

Is the driving test fit for purpose?

“Your invoice was unethical” was amongst the worst late payment excuses

Late payments continue to stall the growth prospects of Britain’s micro businesses and freelancers, with the list of excuses from late and non-paying clients becoming longer and increasingly farcical.

A recent survey conducted by accountants FreeAgent revealed the extent of the excuses many clients will make to get around not paying what they owe to smaller business owners, with poorly pets, feigned illness and a boss’ holiday plans all popular choices.

Some late payment excuses are more ridiculous than others. The top ten most outrageous excuses for late and non-payment found by the survey included:

Can I buy you a pint and call it quits?
My cat is sick
I’ve been in hospital for two weeks having my tonsils removed (they hadn’t)
Our CEO is still on a sailing holiday
My dog ate your invoice
Your invoice was unethical
I refered your services to a friend, so I thought that would mean you wouldn’t charge me
You didn’t chase me enough for payment
To a professional photographer: The photograph you took was of me, so I don’t need to pay you
I have no money left, but you’ll get paid if you work on my next project and move with me to Qatar
Conducted amongst 500 micro business owners and freelancers, the survey revealed one client who even invented new contracts with fake non-payment clauses, and another who replicated the work of a freelancer then claimed to have done it themselves. Bankruptcy was also used as a non-payment excuse for one client, when that client had actually sold all their assets and fled the UK.

FreeAgent co-founder and CEO Ed Molyneux said that some of the excuses used, and lies told, by late or non-paying clients were “unacceptable”.

“Our research shows just how many awful and ridiculous excuses clients give for not settling their debts,” he added. “Very few micro business owners can afford to wait months, or even years, to get the money they’re owed, so it’s vital to chase up late-paying clients as soon as possible.

“Send frequent reminder emails, call clients regularly, review the relevant late payment legislation and check what kind of debt recovery or small claims options are available to you if your client still won’t pay. Otherwise you’ll just be putting your business’s cash flow – and potentially its future – at risk.”

The survey also uncovered the UK’s most common excuses for late and non-payments. These included:

I didn’t end up using the work you produced, so I’m not paying you
I don’t have the money to pay you
I haven’t received your invoice
I’m waiting to get paid by a client and can’t pay you until then


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Medical Equipment Servicing

Merlin ECG Machine

Medical Equipment Servicing

Wessex Medical is able to arrange for servicing and repair of much of your on board equipment including oxygen, while we specialise in the service and repair of the LIFEPAK 12 and Zoll range of defibrillators we are are by no means restricted to these models.

We aim to offer a value led service and respect the fact that owners of these older machines still have a need to maintain them at the highest standard.

We offer a field based service if the work allows it to be cost effective for you otherwise you just need to return the items to our warehouse in Wiltshire for an estimate of the costs involved.

It usually takes around 2/3 days for a service, obviously a repair can take longer if we have to wait for parts to arrive, however if you are in a hurry we will do what we can to speed things along, but we need to be able to plan it.

If you would like us to quote for a repair you can just send the unit to us at our address but please do make sure you always enclose your return details and a description of the faults.

You can also call us on 01722 410084 for a chat about your requirements.

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Paediatric First Aid Made Easy Book – £2.25

Paediatric First Aid Made Easy Book


Paediatric First Aid Made Easy (Edition 7) has been designed to complement first aid training for parents or people who work with young children.

The book covers all the topics required by Ofsted for childminders, nursery worker and teachers.

Updated with the latest guidelines.
Designed as an easy to understand reference book and learning guide for paediatric first aid courses.
Includes most relevant childhood topics, including croup, asthma and the latest meningitis advice.
Covers adult, child and baby CPR and choking guidelines.
Simple, accurate information with lots of full colour pictures and diagrams.
Logical and easy to understand page layout
Written by an experienced paramedic and first aid instructor.
New nursery and pre-school staff will be required to undertake paediatric first aid for the first time, thanks to new government proposals.

Nursery teacher and children playing.

The new proposals will mean newly qualified staff with a childcare level 2 and 3 qualification must have an emergency paediatric first aid or full paediatric first aid certificate – a life-saving change that will add approximately 15,000 additional trained early years professionals to our nurseries and pre-schools each and every year.

Childcare and Education Minister, Sam Gyimah said:

As a parent myself, I know that every single mum and dad wants the confidence that those tasked with caring for their child have the right training should the absolute worst happen.

Today’s proposals will mean that thousands more staff will be able to respond to emergencies more quickly, making sure parents really can access the very best possible childcare choices for their families.

Not only will this help ensure children are safe while they learn, grow and develop, but it will also raise the quality and skills of the early years workforce to help them deal with day-to-day first aid issues, such as allergies and knowing when to call parents.

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Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 AED

emergency medical products


List Price : £1,250.00
On Offer at :  £865.00

Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 AED

The Powerheart® G5 is the first AED to combine real-time CPR feedback, fully automatic shock delivery, variable escalating energy, and fast shock times.

The powerful capabilities of the Powerheart G5 AED enable rescue professionals and lay responders to administer therapy in a timely and effective manner to give a victim of sudden cardiac arrest the best chance of survival.

The Powerheart® G5 is the first AED to combine real-time CPR feedback, fully automatic shock delivery, variable escalating energy, and fast shock times.
The powerful capabilities of the Powerheart G5 AED enable rescue professionals and lay responders to administer therapy in a timely and effective manner to give a victim of sudden cardiac arrest the best chance of survival.
Rugged and reliable, so it’s always on duty
Rugged, durable design for protection against rough treatment.
High ingress protection (IP55) against dust and water for performance in harsh and challenging environments.
Meets rigorous military standards for shock, vibration and drop testing.
Rescue Ready® technology self-checks all main AED components (battery, hardware, software, and pads) daily. The AED completes a partial charge of the high-voltage electronics weekly, and a full charge monthly.
The highly visible Rescue Ready indicator assures responders that they are retrieving a working AED.
7-year AED warranty.
Medical-grade battery with a 4-year full operational guarantee.
Easy-to-use AED for responders at all levels
Real-time CPR feedback gives rescuers specific guidance on compression depth and rate as recommended by the 2010 Resuscitation Guidelines.
Fully automatic shock delivery eliminates user hesitation. (Semi-automatic AED version also available.)
Intuitive, interchangeable pad design simplifies placement.
RescueCoach™ user-paced prompts guide users through each critical step of a rescue.
Text prompts provide extra help in noisy and chaotic environments.
Switch to an alternate language during a rescue with the push of a button to help more potential responders (available in select languages).
Advanced patient care
Delivers post-CPR shock in as little as 10 seconds for effective therapy.
Assesses the patient’s therapy needs and delivers customised shock at an appropriate energy level.
Customisable prompts, protocols and CPR feedback to meet user’s needs and preferences.
Automatically detects paediatric pads and delivers a reduced energy shock.
Easily update settings if Resuscitation Guidelines change.
Quickly transfer and review data via USB.